Saturday, August 23, 2008

Fishing the cares away.

It has been a long, crazy week of school prep. and we topped that off with a school yard sale this weekend and 2 back to back up nights that Drew and I split. It all was taking its toll so tonight Drew loaded us all up and we drove about 6 miles up the river were Drew could fish and the kids, Koko, and I could play in the river. We met a "jolly little fellow" fishing there already when we arrived (Joe Kretoski) so Drew joined him, letting out a few hollers about the temperature of the river on the way. Kent and Katie enjoyed chasing crayfish and catching clams. After opening about 11 poor clams Katie was finally convinced that there were no pearls in river clams however, she opened up an "empty" shell and let out a shrieking scream when a crayfish (having a heart attack of its own I'm sure) jumped out at her. Koko did really good swimming and overcoming his water nerves. He wasn't about to be left on the shore so he waded right in after us. Joe caught 4 fish while we were there (14 total for the night), Drew caught 2 fish and after awhile Kent got the urge, picked up a pole, and on his first good cast landed a nice bass. If you look close on the picture you can see it. Then on his second cast he nailed another one. It was enough to make him feel like it had been a successful night. It was the perfect way to spend a couple of hours. We climbed into the van relaxed and happy. There is something about water that can soothe the soul and being able to say you 'caught a few' doesn't hurt either.


Leah said...

I'm glad you guys were able to have some family time and relax together. Sounds fun... well, except for the fishing :)
- Love, Leah

Jamie said...

Enjoyed all the pics! I just found your blog.


tacomom said...

Hey! Didn't know you had started blogging. I'm not very good about reading everyone's blog rolls. So you've probably been on someone's blog I frequent for a while and I just didn't know :)

Nice to catch up with all that's going on in your family. I hear you about this being the best way to keep in touch. Our lives are all just too busy. We long for summer so life can slow down and it only gets busier! And then before we know it it's time for school to start again. Life goes on.